Introduction :

Sales Maximization is the main objective of firms in modern economy. Not all economists agree with the traditional view that profit maximization is the objective of the business firm. According to prof. Baumol of price ton university the objective of a modern firm is sales maximization with profit constraints.

Firms prefers maximization of sales revenue for various Reason: 

1. Financial institution evaluate the success and strength of the firm in terms of rate of growth of its growth.
2.Empirical evidence shows that the stock earnings and salaries of top management are correlated more closely with sales than with profit.
3.Increasing sales revenue over a period of time gives prestige to the top management, but profit are enjoyed only by the shareholders.
4. Growing sales means higher salaries and better terms. Hence sales revenue maximization results in a healthy personal policy
5.Large and increasing sales help the firms to obtain a bigger market share which gives it a greater competitive power.

Assumption :

1. Sales maximization goal is subject to  minimum profit constraint. Prof. Baumol does not give a clear definition of minimum profit. It may be defined as the “ the funds to pay some satisfactory rate of dividends, to reinvest for growth and ensure financial safety”.
2.Advertisement is a major instrument of sales maximization i.e., advertisement will shift the demand curve to the right.
3.Advertisement cost are independent of production cost
4.Price of the product is assumed to be constant.

Observation :

       Baumol’s model of sales maximization is an alternative to the principle of profit maximization.

Conclusion :

Baumol’s explanations has more implications than the traditional profit maximization principle. His theory is more consistent with observed behavior. In the traditional theory changes in fixed costs do not influence output or prices except for fixing the break even point. But according to Baumol a firm which experiences any increase in fixed cost will try to reduce them or pass them onto the consumer in the form of higher prices, through large sales. This theory also establishes that business men may consider non-price competition through sales maximization to be the more advantageous alternative.  



 In Keynesian terminology, Investment refers to real investment which adds to capital equipment. It leads to increase in the level of income and production by increasing the production and purchase of capital goods. Investment thus includes new plants and equipment , construction of public works dams , roads , buildings , etc...
In other words of JOAN ROBINSON , " By Investment is meant an addition to capital , such as occurs when a new house is built or a new factory is built. Investment means making an addition to the stock of goods in existences.
Capital , on the other hand , reefers to real assets like factories, plant, equipments and investment of finished and semi-finished goods.


Induced Investment :
Real investment may be induced investment is profit or income motivated. Factors like price , wages , interest change which affects profit and influences induced investment. Similarly , demand also influences it. When income increases, consumption demand also increases and to meet this, investment increases.

Autonomous Investment :
Autonomous investment is independent of level of income and is thus income inelastic. It is influenced by exogenous factor like innovation, invention, growth of population and labour forces, researches, social and legal institution, weather changes, war, revolution, etc....


The decision to invest in a  new capital asset depends on whether the expected rate of returns on the new investments is equal to or greater or less then the rate of interest to be paid on the funds needed to purchase this asset. It is only when the expected rate of return is higher than the interest rate that investment will be made in acquiring new capital assets
Keynes sums up these factors in his concept of the marginal efficiency of capital ( MEC)


The MEC is the highest rate of return expected from an additional unit of capital assets over its cost. In the words of KURIHARA, " Its is the ratio between the prospective yield of additional capital goods and their supply price."


The marginal efficiency of investment is the rate of return expected from a given investment on a capital asset after covering all its costs, except the rate of interest. like the MEC, it is the rate which equates the supply price of a capital assets to its prospective yield. The investment on an asset will be made depending upon the interest rate involved in getting funds from the market. If the rate interest is high, investment is at a low level. a low rate of interest leads  to an increasing investment. Thus the MEI relates investment to the  rate of interest.


1. Elements of Uncertainty.
2. Existing stock of capital goods.
3. Level of Income.4. Consumer Demand.
5. Liquid Assets.
6. Invention and Innovations.
7. New Products
8. Growth of Population.
9. State Policy.
10. Political Climate.


Thus these are all about the investment function in economy.



International Economics refers to that part of Economics , which deals with "the economic and financial interdependence among nations". It analyses the flow of goods, services, payment and monies between a nation and the rest of the world the policies directed at regulating these flows, and their effect on the nation's welfare.


1. International trade theory
2. International trade policy
3. Balance of payment
4. Foreign exchange markets
5. Open Economy macro economics.

1. Trade restriction imposed by industrial countries
2. Fluctuations and dis equilibrium in exchange rates
3. Financial crises in emerging market economies
4. Regional problem become global
5. Job insecurity in the united states
6. Restructuring problem of transition economies
7. Deep poverty in many developing countries.



           The term Econometrics was first introduced by RAGNAR FRISH and he was one of the founder of econometrics society. Econometrics means economics measurement and measurement is very important elements of econometrics.

                 According to  GOLD BERGER  " Econometrics may be defined as the social science in which the tools of economics theory mathematics and statistical infurence are applied to the analysis of economic phenomenon " .
                 According to KOUTSOYIANNIS " Econometrics is the combination f economic theory, mathematical economics and statistics. But it is completely distinct from each one of the three branches of science. Econometrics may be considered as the integration of economics mathematics and statistics for the purpose of providing numerical values for the parameters of economic relationship and verifying economic theories . It is a special type of economic analysis and researches. In which the general economic theory formulated in mathematical terms is combined with empirical measurement of economic phenomenon


                 There are tree division in econometrics they are:

                                   1. Economic theory
                                   2. Mathematical Economics
                                   3. Statistical Economics.


                          Economic theory market statements or hypothesis that are qualitative or verbal exposition in nature. That is law of demand best economic theory it self does not provide any numerical measures of the relation ship between the variables. It expresses various relationship in an exact form it does not provide and empirical verification of economics of variables are non stochastic.


                         In Mathematical economics the main concern of mathematical economists is to express economic theory in mathematical form (Equation) with out regarded to measurability are empirical verification of theory mathematical economics assumes that economic relationship is exact like economic theory . Neither economics nor mathematics allow for random disturbance on the contrary econometrician is mainly interested in the empirical verification of economic theory.


                         Economics statistics is mainly concerned with collecting processing and presenting economic data. It is mainly descriptive aspects of economics including developing and refining data such as the national income accounts and index numbers economics statistics does not provide any measurement of the parameters of economic relationship.