National income is an uncertain term which is used interchangeably with national dividend, national output and national expenditure. On this basis, national income has been defined in a number of ways. In common parlance, national income means the total value of goods and services produced annually in a country.


                     According to Marshall : " The labour and capital of a country acting on its natural resources produce annually a certain net aggregate of commodities, materials , and immaterial including services of all kinds... this is the true net annual income or revenue of the country or national dividend ".


 Gross domestic product (GDP            
Gross National Expenditure (GNE)
 GNP at market price                          
GNP - Net income from abroad
 NNP at market prices                        
GNP at factor cost + indirect taxes - subsidies
Net domestic product (NDP)  at market price
GNP at market prices - depreciation capital consumption allowance.
 NNP at factor cost or National  income or national product     
NNP at market price - net factor income from abroad
 NDP at factors cost or Domestic income or domestic product
NNP at market - indirect taxes + subsidies
 Private income                                   
National income - Net factor income from abroad
 Income from domestic product  accruing to private sector           
income from domestic product accruing to private  sector + interest on public dept + net factor income from abroad + transfer payment + current transfer from the rest of the world
 Personal income                                
NDP at factor cost - income from domestic product accruing to government departments  - savings of non departmental enterprises.
 Personal income or disposable    income         
Private income - savings of private corporate sector- corporation taxes.
 Personal income or disposable    income         
Personal income - direct taxes paid by household  and miscellaneous fees,fines,etc.

                Thus these all of the above explanations are about the national income and various forms of national income and also how to calculate these forms of national incomes. 

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