Share market in india

India Share market enables the buying and selling of the collective shares of the various companies as well as other securities and derivatives. The shares of the Indian market are expressed as a company's sales revenue from Indian Share Market divided by the total sales revenue available in the share market of India.

The Indian share market is thus one of the most important sources of the companies for raising money.
The Indian economy is among the fastest growing in the world, with GDP growth rate being 9.4% in 2006-07 from 7% in the last financial year 2005-06, indicating that the Indian market economy has a steady growth rate over the last two decades. The shares of the companies belonging to leading industries like automobiles, cement, chemicals, consumer electronics, food processing, fuel, machinery, mining, pharmaceuticals, steel, transportation equipments and textiles are those which dominate the India Share Market.
Of the leading stock exchanges that deals with the share trading in the Indian stock market the National Stock Exchange of India NSE is the largest stock exchange in India while the Bombay stock exchange BSE is the oldest. Some others are :
Calcutta Stock Exchange Association Limited
Delhi Stock Exchange Association
Inter-connected Stock Exchange of India
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
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Some vital organs which regulates functioning of the movements of the prices in the India Share Market are:
Stock Market Indices - The BSE SENSEXor the BSE 30, BSE 500, BSE MIDCAP, BSE SMLCAP, S&P CNX Nifty
Derivatives - Financial Contracts, Forward Contracts, Future Contracts, Index Future Contract, Option Contract Index, Option Contract, Money Option Contract
Initial Public Offering IPO - Primary Market ,Underwriting, Book Building, Over Subscription ,Green Shoe Option, Listing
Stock Brokers - Risk Disclosure Document, Broker Research on India Share Market
Mutual Funds - Open ended fund, Closed ended fund, Entry load, Exit load
Depositories and Depository Participant - National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL) registered with SEBI, Beneficiary Owner(BO) Account, Delivery Instruction Slips(DIS)
To increase the market share is one of the primary objective of the India Share market. Other objectives being, ROI or Return on Investment, ROA or Return on Assets and to reach TRP or Target Rate of Profit.

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share Market

Before investing, it is always wise to learn the Basics of Stock Market. We have compiled articles and tutorials on the Share Market Basics. Also included here explanation of Stock Market Terms and jargon used by people involved in trading stocks and shares. Whether it is Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE), London Stock Exchange (LSE) or New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), trading terms or more or less similar
INVESTING IN STOCKSMany of us would like to try our luck in the Stock markets. Yes, Why Not ? Trading stocks is one of the most lucrative methods of making money.Here's Why : 1. You do not need a lot of money to start making money, unlike buying property and paying a monthly mortgage.
2. It requires very minimal time to trade - unlike building a conventional business. 3.. It’s ‘fast’ cash and allows for quick liquidation (You can convert it to cash easily, unlike selling a property or a business). 4. It’s easy to learn how to profit from the stock market. But You need to have your basics clear. Unless you do….you will be wasting your time and loosing money. You need to be crystal clear of each and every aspect of Investments, stock options, Stock Trading, Company, Shares, Dividend & Types of Shares, Debentures, Securities, Mutual Funds, IPO, Futures & Options, What does the Share Market consist of? Exchanges, Indices, SEBI , Analysis of Stocks – How to check on what to buy?, Trading Terms (Limit Order, Stop Loss, Put, Call, Booking Profit & Loss, Short & Long), Trading Options – Brokerage Houses etc.
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Stock Market Terms - Share Market Terminology - Investment Definitions, Financial Term Meaning A to Z - Active Share, Amortization, Application-Money Asset Coverage Asset Financing, Auction Market, Auctioning of an Issue, Automated Screen Trading (AST), Average, Averaging, Bear Cycle, Book Profit, Booking Profit, Broker, Book Value, BSE Sensitive Index or SENSEX, Bullion, Buy and Hold Strategy, Call Money, Capital Asset, , Capital Market, Cash Cow, CD or Cum – Dividend, Certificate of Deposit, Certified Cheque, Chinese Wall, Circuit Breaker, Clearing, Clone Fund, , Collection Ratio, Commodities Market, Commodity, Compound Growth Rate, , Correction, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cover, Covered Call, Creeping Acquisition, CRISIL, Cum-Dividend or CD, Crossing, Cum-Rights or CR, Cumulative Preference Shares, Cyclical Shares - Daily Margin, Dawn Raid, Debentures, Defensive Investment, Defensive Stock, Delisting, Deflation, Delivery Order, Delivery Price, Dematerialization of Scripts, Depreciation, Derivative, Discounted Debentures, Discounting, Dividend Cover, Dividend Play, Dividend Rollover Plan, Dow Theory, Depository Receipt, Efficient Market Hypothesis, Eligible Securities, ELSS, Employee Buyout, Employee Participation, Employee Share – Ownership Plan, Equity Shareholders, Eurodollar, FIFO or First In First Out, FII, Fill or Kill Order, Fixed Income Investments, Floating Stock, Floor Broker, Floor Trader, FForward Dealing / Trading, Forward Delivery, Forward Shares, Forward Integration, Free Lunch Theorem, Free Market Economy, Front – End Load, Front – Running, Frozen Assets, Fully Diluted Earnings Per Share, Fully Paid Share Capital, Fundamental Analysis, Futures, Futures Contract, Futures Market Glamour Shares, Godfather Offer, Going Long, Going Private, Going Public, Going Short, Gold Certificates, Golden Handcuffs, Golden Handshake, Golden Share, Good Delivery, Good Faith Deposit, Graham and Dodd Strategy of Investment, Great Crash, Gross, Gross National Product (GNP), Growth Shares, Gun Jumping, Glamour Issue.Havala or Hawala (also, Making Up Price, Head and Shoulders, Hedging Against Inflation,Inefficient Market, Insider, Insider Trading, Insolvency, Institutional Investor, Intangible Assets, Interbank Market, Interest Rate Risk, International Finance Corporation, International Monetary Fund, Inventory, Inventory Turnover, Inverted Yield Curve, Investment Analyst, Investment Club, Investment Company, Investment Company Shares (Close – Ended), Investment Company Shares (Open – Ended), Investment Horizon, Investment Letter, Investment Trust, Investor Protection, IPO, Irredeemable Debentures, Issue Price.MORE - Share Market Terms